How to Test Your Website's Page Load Speed and Why It's Important
Do you know how long your website takes to load?
Your website should be a great marketing channel for your business and by having a website we want to give potential customers a great user experience.
Page load speed is important for a couple of reasons. Firstly if you are driving any traffic towards your website, you want to make sure they land on your website and don't click away before the page loads. This is more important when you are spending money to pay for clicks through Google or Facebook Ads, as it will significantly raise your marketing costs and skew your results.
The other reason to make sure your page load speed is up to scratch, is because it will negatively effect your Google rankings. Websites that are slow to load are usually penalised for a poor user experience in the search rankings.
The Google PageSpeed Insight Test will give you recommendations on how to improve your load times. Usually the two main culprits are plug-ins on your website or large file size images.
Make sure your website has disabled and uninstalled any plug-ins that aren't in use as well as evaluating the ones you do have installed are completely necessary as they can be creating more harm than good.
If images size is a problem then there are plug-ins available on most website builders that will automatically reduce the file size of the images. The other option is to resize the images yourself manually, which you can do with this free tool.
To measure how your websites rate visit the link below.