How we generated 37 leads for a cleaning business in 10 days for under $100.

Want to grow your cleaning business, but just can’t seem to make any traction with your online marketing?

I’m guessing you’ve listed with all the online directories, maybe built a website and set up a Facebook page but you’re still not seeing any enquires come in online.

It’s not like the old days where you put an ad in the classifieds of the local newspaper and the phone would start to ring.

What most people think when they build a website is that everybody will find it, and when you start a Facebook page everybody will share your posts and they will go viral.

I thought the same too when I went online. 

I build a website, set up a Facebook page and thought that would be it, the sales and inquiries would flood in...

...but I was waiting…

...and waiting…

...and nothing happened… I needed to find a better way.

I dabbled with a few different methods of paid online marketing, and nothing really worked until…

...I came across a webinar on Facebook one day on how to run Facebook ads the proper way by leveraging the Facebook algorithm and Facebook pixel.

So I went ahead the next day and set something up for myself to test to see if it actually worked..

...and sure enough it did.

It sky rocketed our online product business to be generating almost $1 million in sales per year.

So I thought I’d test it for a few friends to see if it would work in service-based industries and they were shocked by the results…

...because they had been dabbling for years in Facebook Ads, throwing $20 here and $50 there and they did get some likes but hardly ever any leads.

And they were all making the same basic mistake of boosting posts from the newsfeed.

There was no strategy, no planning and they may as well have just gone down the pub and thrown $50 in the pokies and hoped for the best.

When you invest in marketing in your business you need to consider the long term investment. 

And not look at it as day to day investment. If you were to invest $100 over the next couple of weeks and gained 3 new clients. 

Think of the return on investment in 12 months time and how much you could potentially make from those clients.

It may be $1000 each per client for a total of $3000 of income, all for $100 invested.

And that investment can be scaled to bring in potentially 5, 10, 20 customers.

They way we do it is create multiple creatives and multiple audiences so we can cast a wider net in our audience and we set it all up in Facebook ads Manager.

We have a proven funnel and system in place which utilises the facebook algorithm and pixel to work for us in delivering leads and not likes.

Below you’ll see a screenshot of cleaning business and their results, and a testimonial. The results even surprised me!

If you’re interested about learning more about what we can offer your business please send us and email at or give me a call or SMS on 0498 003 718.
